Friends of Moorsbus

Friends of Moorsbus

Embarking on a Moorsbus!
Friends of Moorsbus is a not-for-profit members organisation. We welcome new members and your support and suggestions. We are a small team of volunteers.
Friends of Moorsbus have opened a Bus Operating Fund, to which passengers can make donations to support bus services. These funds are transferred to Moorsbus CIC to invest in services, along with other fundraising. We also work hard on publicity so that the buses and trains are well used and supported by fares as much as possible.
We always need help with distributing timetables and posters in the many places along the bus routes. There are other ways you could get involved too, wherever you live or stay; please see the “volunteering” box for further information.
Because our members live all over the country – and some abroad - we do much of our communication by email and post (around half of our members do not have internet at home). Friends of Moorsbus have a Facebook page and a Twitter page. We also have an Annual Meeting, and, for those who get actively involved, we meet up or talk on the phone.
We work closely with Moorsbus CIC; they do the more complex tasks of timetabling, contracts, funding applications etc.We work with walking clubs, bus and train operators, local business associations, the National Trust, museums, Forest Enterprise, Health Boards, North York Moors National Park Authority, Rural Action Yorkshire, Northern Ryedale Public Transport Group, Friends of Dalesbus, Dales & Bowland CIC, North Yorkshire Moors Association, North Yorkshire County Council, Parish Councils, Youth Hostels Association, and anyone else with an interest in public transport.
So what do you think? Can you help? Who else should be involved? Are there any specific issues you would like us to tackle? Which services would be most important to you, or to people you know?
Contact us through Facebook, on Twitter, or by email, and help us to get more people involved by sharing this page through the social media buttons below.
You can also contact us by telephoning Eden on 01751 477216, or by post to 4 Foundry Cottages, Wrelton, Pickering, N. Yorkshire YO18 8PF
Thank you from Helen, Eden, Mo, Graham, Bill, Jamie, Marilyn, Chris, and all at Friends of Moorsbus.
Please Donate to Moorsbus
Donate to Moorsbus. Every contribution helps us greatly to provide the bus service.