Moorsbus, Connecting you across the North York Moors National Park

Volunteers A - Z

Volunteering A - Z

We at Moorsbus CIC and Friends of Moorsbus are all volunteers, and there is so much to do if we are to expand our services. Here are some of the things we need help with….. it doesn’t matter where you live, or what previous experience you have… and any small bit of help is appreciated.

Accounting and bookkeeping

Assistance is needed for Friends of Moorsbus and for Moorsbus Community Interest Company.

Archives volunteers

Taking photos, keeping press cuttings, recording stories; it’s all useful in our development, and helpful when we talk to funders.

Walk & Ride Manager and helpers

Arranging walks that use a bus for part of the journey, and/or helping to put such walks onto our website, or into leaflets for non-internet users.

Committee Members

are needed for Friends of Moorsbus.

Facebook volunteers

Send suggestions, messages and pictures to John for our Facebook account. He is Hull based so may not hear of issues from other areas.

Friends of Moorsbus Newsletter Editor

Writing some content, gathering content from Members and supporters, editing.


Letter writing, fundraising, contacting members, contacting Parish Councils, organising events. There is also a more advanced role for helping with Grant Applications, we can train you up!

Ideas for the future

Other routes, other days, other ideas; anything else we have forgotten!

Internet development and our website

Advise on links, content, who else to link with, keeping up to date.

Leaflet Box Monitor(s)

Looking after and stocking up the leaflet boxes on the 5 buses.

Media Assistants

Looking for opportunities for articles and free advertising, far and wide!

Membership Secretary

Looking after the member/supporter database, arranging Membership card and newsletter distribution, chasing renewals.

Members Social Secretary

Helping to organise members events. There could be more than one Secretary, because we cover such a wide area.

MoorsRewards Administrator and helpers

Inviting more cafes, shops, pubs, visitor attractions to join the scheme; visiting existing ones to find out how it is working for them. Helping with general Liaison with tourism businesses, tourist attractions and Town or Dale websites to improve their bus information and to work on joint promotions.

National Park Authority Liaison

Access to the National Park and reducing carbon footprint, congestion and pollution, by working with rangers, officers, projects, website and publications; taking into account environment, heritage, events, local communities, other staff, health walks, and policy development.

Northern Ryedale Public Transport Group

are active all year round trying to improve services, facilities and information. Help is always needed.

Passenger and Driver support

Ride the buses or wait at the busy stops, to chat to other passengers about their journeys, give help if needed, and seek feedback. Get to know drivers and pass messages on if needs be.

Promotional & fundraising goods

finding outlets, ordering, developing sales. Calendars? Badges? Baseball caps? T-shirts? Pens? Bags and rucksacks?


Retirement roadshows / Health roadshows health funding networks, other networks were public transport helps

Roadworks and Road-Closure Spotter(s)

Alerting us to bus route diversions or hold-ups.

Survey Supporters

Help with giving out and sending out the passenger surveys. They provide very important information for us.

Talks and stalls

Retirement roadshows/health roadshows, health funding networks, other networks where public transport helps. Mental health groups, Women's Institutes, elder groups, church groups. Talking to people about Moorsbus and giving them the confidence to try it.

Timetable and poster distributors

Anywhere convenient for you along any useful routes.

Twitter / Instagram

Someone to tweet and respond to Tweets for us.

Wider issues

Campaign For Better Transport, lobby NYCC and other Authorities, work on bus operator issues, keep links with Friends of Dalesbus, Dales & Bowland CIC and other local bus groups national or in other regions, or perhaps international!

Young People’s Liaison

Working on any ideas for encouraging more young people to use Moorsbus, such as contact with colleges, Universities, youth associations, and using Social Media.

You might think of other things - suggestions always welcome. If you can help, even in a very small way, with any of the above, please contact us.

O1751 477216

4 Foundry Cottages,
YO18 8PF

P.S. If you need to do voluntary work to help you find work, we’d be happy to give you a reference if you volunteer for us.

Would you like to get involved?